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Our Mission

We want church to be a place

where you feel at home,

experience God in a new way,

follow Jesus faithfully and receive

power through the Holy Spirit

to change your environment positively.

unsere mission

Our Values

Our values are the heart beat of our church.

JESUS - christ is our endeavour


FAMILY - we are better together


ENCOURAGEMENT - our language


FAITH - active living


GENEROSITY - we love to give


EXCELLENCE - visible passion


GROWTH -  moving towards the future

unsere werte

Our Vision

We dream of a church where Jesus is the centre,

and people endeavour to follow Christ.

We dream of a church where people find home and family,

where everyone is welcome and included wholeheartedly.

We dream of a church where people - in their uniqueness and creativity -

are united by the Holy Spirit and stand together in worship.

We dream of a church where everyone values the other person over above themselves,

where mutual appreciation and encouragement are naturally part of our every day life.

We dream of a church where the faith in God's power is actively lived,

where through this faith people experience God

in a new way and receive new hope.

We dream of a church where generosity is normal,

where people love to give because we believe

that God provides everything we need.

We dream of a church where everyone does their best,

where in every worship service, small group and church area

our passion for what we do, becomes visible.

We dream of a church that's constantly growing where people follow Jesus

and deepen their relationship to God more and more.

We dream of a church that changes their environment positively

by doing good in their community and standing up against injustice.

We dream of a church that communicates Christ's message of hope

and his unconditional love by words and deeds.

unsere vision
unsere pastoren

Our Pastor



We are looking for a person for our second pastor position:

unser verband

Our Network


Christusgemeinde Eichstätt is part of Hensoltshöher Gemeinschaftsverband e.V. 



Our youth ministry is part of CE Bavaria - Bayerischer Jugendverband „Entschieden für Christus“ (EC) e.V. 

EC Bayern Logo - 2020 2_Zeichenfläche 1
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